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Training Articles

Jess Gale
Jul 12, 20225 min read
Perfecting your Give & Retake
The give & retake is one of the movements that i think is so often misunderstood and rarely worked on in training. So what is a give and...

Jess Gale
Jun 6, 20228 min read
Get to grips with medium trot
I have had a lot of clients recently that have come to me wanting to improve their medium trot or wanting to teach their horse how to do...

Jess Gale
May 11, 20225 min read
The 4 things you need to get your horse round and in an outline
Having our horses on the bit, having them round or in an outline is something that seems to be something all dressage riders focus a lot...

Jess Gale
Sep 15, 20213 min read
Introducing shoulder in
What is a shoulder in? Why is it important to teach our horses shoulder in? What does a good shoulder in look like? What are the aids for...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20212 min read
The importance of stretching
In this article we look at what stretching is, what we need to create a good stretch and why it is so important to incorporate this into...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20213 min read
Impulsion 1: Improving the reaction to your leg
In this article we are going to look at the theory, uncovering what the right reaction to our leg is, why horses sometimes react in the...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20212 min read
Teaching your horse to leg yield
In this article we are going to look at the theory, uncovering what the aids for a leg yield are and why leg yields are so beneficial for...

Jess Gale
May 20, 20219 min read
How To Find The Best Coach For You
----- I'm pre-warning you all this article is more about things to think about rather than necessarily a definitive step-by-step guide to...

Jess Gale
May 14, 20219 min read
The difference between Test Riding and Training
This topic may seem obvious, test riding is running through a test and training is what you do on a daily basis right? Wrong! There is so...

Jess Gale
May 1, 20219 min read
Getting the most out of a lazy horse
In this training article we are going to be taking a look at horses that come under the term 'lazy' or 'slow'. A little secret is that I...

Jess Gale
Apr 9, 20216 min read
How to improve your horses straightness
A horses straightness is something that crops up regularly in every test you will ever do in dressage. The start and end of every test...

Jess Gale
Mar 29, 20216 min read
The Half Halt
This week i wanted to take a look at the term 'half halt'. Its a term that you hear trainers take about all the time and as a rider im...

Jess Gale
Mar 1, 20215 min read
Exercises to improve your circles
In our Learn section we talked about why working on our circles is so important, the benefits that using smaller circles can have and the...

Jess Gale
Mar 1, 20216 min read
The importance of training our circles
Circles come into play at every single level of dressage. We start with 20m circles at prelim and progress through to 10 and 8m circles...

Jess Gale
Feb 22, 20216 min read
4 steps to a focussed, relaxed horse.
In this post we talk about the 4 steps you need to work through in your training session to create a controlled, focussed and relaxed...

Jess Gale
Feb 22, 20217 min read
Riding Hot & Sharp Horses
Now seems like a great time to talk about hot and sharp horses. We've had a lot of snow here in the UK and this has meant that we weren’t...

Jess Gale
Feb 4, 20216 min read
Inside Leg To Outside Rein Connection
The inside leg to outside rein connection is a concept that is talked about hugely on social media. My god do you hear it mentioned a...

Jess Gale
Feb 4, 20214 min read
Creating an Inside Leg To Outside Rein Connection
If you haven't yet read the 'learn' part from this week then click here. You will be able to read all about why the inside leg to outside...
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