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Training Articles

Jess Gale
Jul 14, 20213 min read
Contact: Creating a consistent, stable contact
In this training article we are talking about the theory behind getting your horse to take the contact. The contact is something that is...

Jess Gale
Jul 2, 202110 min read
What to do when you have a bad test
In this training article we are going to be discussing what you can do after you've had a bad test or a bad competition. This is also...

Jess Gale
Jun 23, 20214 min read
Test Riding: Centre Lines
In this training article we recap what test riding actually is before taking a look at what a good centre line looks like and what we...

Jess Gale
Jun 15, 20219 min read
Dressage Terminology: Harmony
In this training article we are looking at another dressage term that has a lot of people stumped: 'harmony'. Look it up on google and...

Jess Gale
Jun 7, 20212 min read
Impulsion 2: Desire to go forward
In this article we are going to look at the theory, uncovering what 'a desire to go forward' actually means, why it can be a struggle for...

Jess Gale
May 28, 202111 min read
Dressage Terminology: The Scales of Training
This training article is all about the basic fundamentals of dressage that we call the Scales of Training. I realise that i have spoken...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20212 min read
The importance of stretching
In this article we look at what stretching is, what we need to create a good stretch and why it is so important to incorporate this into...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20213 min read
Impulsion 1: Improving the reaction to your leg
In this article we are going to look at the theory, uncovering what the right reaction to our leg is, why horses sometimes react in the...

Jess Gale
May 23, 20212 min read
Teaching your horse to leg yield
In this article we are going to look at the theory, uncovering what the aids for a leg yield are and why leg yields are so beneficial for...

Jess Gale
May 21, 20218 min read
When should you introduce lateral work?
In this training article we are going to look at how you can add lateral work into your training. We are going to look at what lateral...

Jess Gale
May 20, 20219 min read
How To Find The Best Coach For You
----- I'm pre-warning you all this article is more about things to think about rather than necessarily a definitive step-by-step guide to...

Jess Gale
May 14, 20219 min read
The difference between Test Riding and Training
This topic may seem obvious, test riding is running through a test and training is what you do on a daily basis right? Wrong! There is so...

Jess Gale
May 1, 20219 min read
Getting the most out of a lazy horse
In this training article we are going to be taking a look at horses that come under the term 'lazy' or 'slow'. A little secret is that I...

Jess Gale
Apr 9, 20216 min read
How to improve your horses straightness
A horses straightness is something that crops up regularly in every test you will ever do in dressage. The start and end of every test...

Jess Gale
Apr 5, 20215 min read
How you are throwing away marks in your test
In this weeks training article we are going to look at the areas where you are losing marks for no good reason and the things you can do...

Jess Gale
Mar 29, 20216 min read
The Half Halt
This week i wanted to take a look at the term 'half halt'. Its a term that you hear trainers take about all the time and as a rider im...

Jess Gale
Mar 15, 20218 min read
How to best prepare for a competition
I am sure you are all as excited as me at the news that competitions can now begin again after 28th March. So what better time to talk...

Jess Gale
Mar 7, 20214 min read
8 questions to help you decide what to feed your horse
In the 'learn' section of this week, Nic Read (Saracens nutritionalist) demystified the world of feeds and talked about how we go about...

Jess Gale
Mar 7, 20216 min read
Feeding Your Horse with Nic Read
This week I have enlisted the help of Saracens nutritionist Nic Read. We are going to be talking all about how to navigate the minefield...

Jess Gale
Mar 1, 20215 min read
Exercises to improve your circles
In our Learn section we talked about why working on our circles is so important, the benefits that using smaller circles can have and the...
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